Duas Rodas mobilized in solidarity actions to support people affected by the climate tragedy in RS - Duas Rodas


may 7, 2024

Duas Rodas mobilized in solidarity actions to support people affected by the climate tragedy in RS

Duas Rodas, deeply saddened by the climate tragedy that has devastated Rio Grande do Sul, is mobilizing in solidarity actions to support the thousands of people and customers affected by the storms and floods.

In addition to donations made to two institutions from Rio Grande do Sul (Chamber of Industry, Commerce and Services (CIC) Vale do Taquari and Instituto Elisabetha Randon) that are providing help to those affected, the company joined the Solidarity Action launched by the City Hall of Jaraguá do Sul (SC) and created internal points to collect donations from employees at Duas Rodas´ Headquarters.

Non-perishable food, personal hygiene and cleaning products and water are being collected, which will be sent to the victims of the flood in Rio Grande do Sul.  The solidarity action in Jaraguá do Sul counts on the partnership of several organized civil institutions, including the ACIJS Volunteer Center, in which Duas Rodas participates with volunteers, as well as entities and companies in the city.

Aware of the fundamental role of solidarity and support in coping with this delicate situation, Duas Rodas is closely monitoring the situation of its customers located in the affected regions, offering the support possible at this time to meet the specific needs of each one. The company adds that it will participate intensely in resuming each customer’s business, contributing to the earliest resumption of their operations.